The Old Istana

Just yesterday a couple of my friends went down to this old abandoned house to do a photoshoot. It was eerie and interesting, where the architecture was impressive. The ornaments of the houses could clearly tell that it was a magnificent house during it’s golden days. But looking at the burnt debris, the house is now an old abandoned wreckage.

It is one of Singapore’s famous hotspots for photographers thrilled to finding something “unexpected”. Getting there wasn’t easy, as we had to pass through a jungle trail with steep obstacles before arriving at our destination.

Looking at the building, it looked like a massive mansion with 2 levels. Stories told that the roof was blue, but a fire broke out due to an electrical surge and it burnt down. This is what is left of the top.


Here are some pictures as I began shooting!

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As we explored the second floor, we were starting to run out of places to shoot. There were wasp and hornet hives around too, so we decided to shift our location inside the Istana. That’s when the pictures started to turn, well.. creepy. The dark was   murky and I could feel the chills of my spine when the doors creak. The graffiti on the walls seemed like rituals were done in the past, each of them sending a different message. A great big illuminati symbol greeted us before when we took the stairs up, staring at us again as we stepped down to the basement.


We started from up, and now we are going down.

Stay tuned for the next part! 🙂

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